Saturday, August 20, 2011

Swallowed cash cards, locked rooms and other frustrations

A week of domestic frustrations from card being swallowed by the cash card. How inconvenient to have to use cash!

then there was having to call the locksmith for the locked bathroom door

and the kicker

nit infestation to be cleared out! I never ever had nits when I went to school.

Joanne Kee

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Robots and Dinosaurs

Space for tech heads, the 3D printer.

Joanne Kee

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Addison Road

Such great markets at Addison Road, Marrickville.

My friend Justin suggested the eggs. When I got home we had boiled eggs and they were so creamy, we could taste the difference immediately. We will be back for more.

Not to mention the delicious passion fruit butter and marmalade. I don't normally eat either of these, but they were just too good.

tonight we are trying the free range pork and organic vegies for a winter roast.

Yum, the markets have really grown since I was last there, much more down to earth and reasonably priced than Carriageworks.

Joanne Kee
@JoanneKee - Twitter

Monday, August 01, 2011

Super Critical Mass in Brisbane

Image from performance of Super Critical Mass

Joanne Kee