Sunday, May 28, 2006

Past imperfect

Recently my Uncle Henry died and at this funeral, I learnt more about him than I had in the many years that I had known him. With a sense of family connection in mind I went to visit my Aunty Phyliis and her daughter Sherry to find out more about the family history.

What struck me most was a memory she had of my own childhood about my mother always carrying my older brother up the stairs and making me walk. When I mentioned it to my Mum, she didn't remember this and decided that it must have been my grandmother.

My six year old daugher remembers slights from over two years ago and holds onto them, long after everyone else involved has moved on. For myself, my recollection of events is often so different from my husband's, its as though we have been existing on parrallel universes.

There are so many recollections of the past which vary. It is interesting which ones stick in some people's minds and which take a back seat. No wonder history has so many different versions.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Business ticking along

Things are moving along nicely with the businesses. My client base is growing and I have had the opportunity to meet some fantastic and inspirational people. The great thing is that you never know what might happen and the process of actually finishing up a chapter in my life has opened up all sorts of new and exciting possibilities.

I am working with a designer, Annie for the launch of Currently this is a registration site only, but hopefully the full site will be up and running in July.

Perrie Croshaw the Editor is putting together the content. She has a fantastic background in finance having launched the Money Section of the Sydney Morning Herald and having been Editor of Women's Money.

There has been so much encouragement and support for this venture, it seems that there is definitely a need for financial education for women. I would love to have some feedback on this one as to what other women are interested to read about. If you have comments they could go to

Our plan for this is to provide a free fortnightly newsletter and our website will be full of information on financial matters that can be used as a reference site.

Alongside that I am in the process of setting up a website which should be up and running soon. That is really a business card type site for my arts consulting work. So quite different types of sites.

Anyway, back to work now.

Friday, May 26, 2006

New business

So I have decided to leave the security of a steady income and try my hand at starting my own businesses - never one for half measures I am looking at two. Things are ticking along. I am taking a very philosophical - live in the moment attitude.

One is setting up an online financial/educational magazine for Women - Women and Wealth - there's more to wealth than money. to be launched in August.

The other is working with small to medium sized organisations to grow and maximise resources, particularly with reference to the arts, Ceres Solutions.

So far, so good, but it will be interesting to share my experiences.

More to follow

Monday, May 22, 2006

Jump in

I have decided to join the blogger's world and am starting off on my adventure today.

Any tips or feedback would be very welcome!