Saturday, June 28, 2008

Thank God its Friday and I don't feel compelled to hand out in a bar!

OK so its a new, upmarket'ish piano bar, aptly named the piano bar. Under the Coca Cola sign at the cross.

Packed to the rafters with wannabees and after work continuations, it wasn't really very glamorous inside at all.

I thought to myself, did I really used to do this every weekend plus? So glad I don't feel any compunction to head out into the bar/singles/clubbing scene, just for a drink.

Joanne Kee

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Hi a great creative mind in action!

Joanne Kee

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Highlight of the week - Orangutans

This week I was lucky enough to have a behind the scenes tour with Orangutans, what fabulous creatures.

I did get in trouble for playing with one of them with a blade of ginger, but they are so approachable. It hardly seems as though they could do damage, but I guess it is more a case of not necessarily knowing their own strength.

Joanne Kee

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Rollercoaster week

Rather a week of ups and downs.

With miserable weather the places + spaces gig was tricky, as we rely on walk ups. However considering the weather and the fact that I personally wouldn't have gone out in that weather, it was OK.

The best thing was being able to hear Adrian and Band of 5 Names live.

Worst things was the piano sponsor being upset with the usage of the piano.

Plus other bad things were being told my contract is ending for one of my jobs. Panic for 1/2 an hour, but now I am thinking this is a good thing as I'll have time to think about what next.

Also on the plus side, lots of work offers.

Joanne Kee