Sunday, September 26, 2010

South Coast

Just spent a great weekend on the South Coast at Gerroa.

Visited Bundanon for a creative works in progress.

Had a yummy meal at the Berry Sourdough Bakery and indulged in sewing porn at the fabulous sewing shop in Berry.

Joanne Kee

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Sutra an amazing piece of theatre, where East actually meets West in a beautiful marriage of dance and movement.

Flemish/Moroccan choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui presents a brand new dance work inspired by the skill, strength and spirituality of Buddhist Shaolin monks.

A collaboration with Turner Prize-winning artist Antony Gormley, who has created a design consisting of 21 wooden boxes which move around the stage, are used by the rubber limbed Labi to create illusions, for climbing and for domino like effects.

This is a fabulous piece of theatre, definitely worth catching and another indication of what some investment in the arts can produce. Sadly its hard to imagine something of this scale being created in Oz, as we just don't make this kind of investment.

Joanne Kee