Saturday, October 13, 2007

Babylove, Buzz and catapults

Rabbit is based on the Alice story, re-interpreted into a playful dance/movement piece by Buzz Theatre from WA.

Very cute puppets, bunnies have lots of "aaah" value. Some great movement and use of props. Moves at a good pace, so entertaining for the whole family.

Currently performing at the Opera House. Image courtesy of Buzz website.

The other great way to spend some time was a visit to Carriageworks where I saw Babylove.

Actually an art installation, but with enough excitement to make it a viable ride.

These battery powered babies are fun.

We also saw Stalker playing around with their Catapults. Have a look at the video, it was fascinating watching David and Max, float and hover through the air. Sadly we didn't manage to catch the Erth "petting zoo", but hopefully there will be another chance during another holiday.

Joanne Kee

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